Musical Chairs

When booking a trip, most people just buy the cheapest air fare they find. They figure they’ll be on the plane for, most likely, an uncomfortable amount of time but they’ll eventually get through it. strives to help you find the best seat on the plane that fits your needs.

You can do this by entering your travel information on the homepage or by comparing stats and ratings for all airlines and even individual flights. Before doing so you should first read their list of crucial questions to ask yourself when choosing a seat: Aisle or window? Day flight or night flight? gives you general guidelines of seats to avoid and where to sit for more leg room. If you haven’t bought your tickets already, you can book your trip right there on the site. After your trip you can submit your review so others can read about the best and worst seats.

Although, can’t tell you if you’ll be sitting next to Ashton Kutcher, they can certainly make your trip a bit more comfortable for your needs.