Saguenay-Lac-St.-Jean Quebec

Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec

My initial introduction to the city of Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean in Quebec is a serene one, with a drive through acres of farmland dotted with corn and cows. A collection of colorful barns is simply a preview of more attractions to come. At one point La Route des Bières (The Beer Route) … Read more

Cruising the Mediterranean

It’s not that high I tell myself after committing to be the first to climb a rope ladder to the crow’s nest of a tall sailing ship – my home on water for a week. Not one to break my word (at least not with so many witnesses), I’m secured … Read more

Kings Canyon overlook

California’s National Parks

When I moved to California years ago, I vowed to explore it.  After settling in San Diego, I enjoyed many visits to northern California and developed a real connection with some of California’s well known destinations – L.A., San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Carmel and Napa. But those journeys paled in … Read more

Las Vegas, Sin City Beckons

Whether you’ve been one time or a hundred times, every jaunt to Las Vegas is different. When a city features the Eiffel Tower across from Lake Bellagio, a short distance from the Pyramid of Giza and around the corner from the Brooklyn Bridge, it’s no ordinary town. Add its ever … Read more

Montreal’s Culinary Greatness

“If you stand on any corner in Montreal, you can tell who’s a native and who isn’t,” I’m told by a Montrealer. “Locals are in no rush. They make eye contact; they acknowledge you and they never walk with coffee.” Java is for savoring, I’m schooled. A destination known for … Read more

Cambria, California’s Best Kept Secret

There’s a dramatic coastline to the west and rolling hills to the east, but it’s the scent of pines that announces your arrival in Cambria.  Ensconced in a forest of evergreens, this California village—deemed “one of America’s prettiest towns”—sneaks up on motorists traversing Highway One, the state’s scenic roadway. Situated … Read more

Nashville Photo:Cynthia Dial

Nashville – Music and More

Standing on a downtown Nashville street corner waiting for the “walk” signal, my toes began to tap.  I heard music. It wasn’t coming from a restaurant, bar or nightclub, of which there are many—it was playing from the metal box controlling the traffic light. Music is everywhere in this city. … Read more

The Phoenician, Phoenix

The Phoenician, Phoenix

Sometimes mistaken for a run of the mill desert town, Phoenix is in fact anything but.  And while the sky may be bluer, the mountains sharper and the lifestyle simpler than most urban centers, its lack of worldliness has given the nation’s sixth largest city a bad rap. But look … Read more

Tortuga Bay, Puntacana, D.R.

“My tastes are simple; I only like the best.” (Oscar Wilde) I like the best, doesn’t everyone?  With that in mind, it was during my quest to uncover the Dominican Republic’s finest that I discovered Puntacana Resort and Club’s Tortuga Bay, a private enclave of beachfront villas within the expansive … Read more


Discovering Door County, Wisconsin

When I announced my plans to visit Door County, I was asked two questions.  Where, then, why? To answer the first – Door County is situated at the northern tip of Wisconsin’s mid-state peninsula jutting northward and is bordered by the waters of Green Bay to the west and Lake … Read more

Spa Boot Camp

Full disclosure:  I was a daily walker, not a hiker. Give me a pair of Jimmy Choo’s with 4 ½ inch heels and the directive to cross Manhattan’s Midtown and consider it done.  But put me in a pair of hiking boots and I’m out of my element. So, when … Read more

Antarctica, the Great White Continent

At the top of my travel bucket list, to use a way over-used term, Antarctica occupied the number one, two and three positions.  So when I was approached about visiting the Great White Continent, I grabbed my passport, parka and camera and jumped on it. Travel to the bottom of … Read more