At the moment we’re being bombarded day and night with bad news and there seems there’s no light yet at the end of the tunnel. After alternating between curling up on the couch with a blanket over my head and being glued to the internet and social media, I made a decision: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! By now everyone knows what we have to do to keep ourselves and our family safe and healthy: stay home as much as possible and keep your social distance when you go out. But now it’s also time to keep your sanity. I hope some of these steps I’ve taken will inspire you.
Go Outside
Over and over we’re being told to walk 10,000 steps a day. My husband does every day, rain or shine. I admire him, but I could only manage 10,000 steps if I’m traveling and discovering new places. But I do appreciate the wonders of walking in the fresh air, and now I’m going out every day. Can’t bring yourself to go out? I understand, but force yourself, even if you only walk around the block. The first day is the most difficult. Tomorrow you might want to go to a nearby park, river, or lake, any open place. Just keep your social distance.

Do you love animals?
If you do, even a few ducks on a pond will make you smile. Or some sparrows drinking at a fountain. Or watch some of the many outstanding live webcams or virtual tours on the internet showing not only animals but everything else imaginable. I’m fortunate to have a horse rescue center in my neighborhood. Even though they are closed now, I drive there, stop for a while and watch the magnificent creatures from a distance. Their only worry seems to be finding enough hay. Now I try to imitate them: I have enough food at home, why should I drive myself crazy over something I can’t change?
At Home Work Out
So the weather is dreary, and you can’t bring yourself to go for a walk. Exercise at home. There are a zillion web pages with exercise programs that are easy to follow. I exercise at home, whether I go out for a walk or not. I stretch, do balances, and the dear-to-my-heart plank, as well as other exercises I find online. I do this at least once a day or several times but just a few at a time. I have found it to be a great tranquilizer when my nerves are starting to frazzle.

Read a Book
Why not immerse yourself in that classic you’ve been wanting to read and let the story take you away from reality? Or just relax with a magazine (who does that any more?) But skip the current news reports.
Take Up a Hobby
When it comes to downtime, my friends’ preferences span the gamut. One can spend hours doing a puzzle, another knitting. Two others are obsessed with photography, one snapping everything in sight, the other deciding it was the right time to organize old photographs. Me, I like to write and photograph. So, what’s your new hobby?

Eat Well
Everyone likes to eat, but not everyone loves to cook. Fortunately, I do. Dunno’ about you but now that we’re self-quarantined and restaurants are closed, I’m spending a lot of time in the kitchen. It’s time to experiment with a new recipe or unearth an old favorite that’s labor-intensive – coq au vin, anyone? Right now it’s more important than ever to eat a variety of nourishing foods to give your body the nutrients it needs to strengthen your immune system. And let’s not forget the wine. What a treat to sit down to a candlelit dinner, with a good bottle of red – the perfect ending to yet another day of uncertainty. But don’t watch any news afterward!
Listen to Music
It practically goes without saying that listening to your favorite music will calm your anxieties. I like to listen to all kinds of music, depending on my mood. But before hitting the sheets I’m partial to a piano concert or Spanish guitar music. Lately, I’ve been listening to Tibetan music on YouTube. It’s a little monotonous and repetitive, but that’s so soothing. Often, I fall asleep in the middle of it.
Can’t Sleep?
When even Tibetan music can’t lull me, I revert to an old recipe, so old I don’t know where it originated. But I swear by it. I heat a cup of milk, add a teaspoon or two of honey, stir it well until the honey dissolves, and drink it slowly. It might take half an hour, but then I sleep like a baby. If you feel more adventurous, maybe you would like to try ‘golden milk.’ You can find the recipe online but I’m not endorsing it.
I hope these few words give you some ideas of what you can do to relax and feel good. Now go back and try to stay safe and healthy!
Webcams and Virtual Tours
National Parks, volcanoes, caves, and more –
Kennedy Space Center –
13 Zoos that offer live streams. I highly recommend the Monterey Bay Aquarium –
Tibetan Music – Here’s one, there are more on YouTube: