There’s great news for the LBGT community in Miami and anyone planning a visit to the trendy destination for their over the top annual Pride celebration. Miami Beach Gay Pride (MBGP) has launched a redesigned website organizing all of the information relating to this huge event into a more convenient format, which makes it easier to see what’s happening. Don’t worry about changing your bookmark in your web browser; the URL is still the same. The website was created by LBGT Creative, an organization which has designed other sites such as www.winterparty.com which is also in Miami.
The Pride site sports a new look and features a live Pride countdown timer on the Homepage with information on upcoming events. The 2012 celebration drew a crowd of about 60,000, up from the previous year’s 40,000 in attendance, making MBGP the largest single day event of the year. Next year’s Pride will take place on the weekend between April 12 and 14. The site will also provide news on other events leading up to it from April 8th onward.

The revamped site also provides ways to get involved in the event via donations or volunteering which is organized by tabs. The Donate tab takes you to the donations page and the Volunteer tab takes you to the volunteer page, pretty simple and straightforward stuff. Donating will get you a title of Angel or Archangel along with a heap of perks including free passes to special events and discounts to local restaurants and stores. If you want to volunteer, you can enter your information and specify what you want to do, such as data entry or bartending.

If you’re thinking of putting up a food stand (which might do awesome business) or a small exhibition, check out the Exhibitor’s tab which lists the rates for both profit and non-profit exhibitions. For a good deal I suggest purchasing your space early as prices increase as the event draws nearer.
The “Legacy Couples” tab is for LBGT “out” couples who have been in committed relationships for over 20 years or more and want to register for an opportunity walk beside the LEGACY float in front of the parade. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you’ve stuck it out with someone happily for twenty years then you deserve some recognition, right? It’s a Pride parade.

Content on some pages will be supplemented as the event draws nearer with an updated list of performers and DJ’s and other live info so be sure to check the site frequently for new updates.

Speaking of the parade, which is celebrating its 5th anniversary, it will begin at noon so if you’ve had a hard night of partying, sleeping in is an option. Registration for inclusion is available on the site with info on fees for groups and scoring criteria. There’s even a download of the Parade Contingent for the particulars. Watching is free, of course, just be sure to sport your Prada sunglasses for maximum cool.