If you’re looking to take a trip where you can experience outdoor adventure, meet friendly people, and learn about a fantastic culture, you must go to New Zealand. It’s one of the few places where you can go to the beach, see a glacier, and experience what it’s like to be in “The Lord of the Rings” all in one place. There’s a lot to see and discover, but before you go, you must be prepared and know how to protect your belongings and your well-being during your trip.
From learning what to pack to the proper preparation for fun hiking trails, this guide will get you ready to enjoy the ultimate New Zealand adventure safely.
What to Do Before You Go
The first step to preparing for your New Zealand vacation is to know where you’re going so you can plan for the temperatures. Different areas have their unique climates. For instance, if you’re visiting the alpine regions, you’ll want to prepare for the cold by packing layers, multiple pairs of socks, and a waterproof jacket. If you plan on hiking, bring comfortable and durable boots. Bring an extra warm sleeping bag during the winter when planning to camp. Be aware that the sun can be especially harsh in New Zealand, so bring a hat, sunglasses, and good sunscreen.

Next, you’ll want to ensure that you bring all the necessary paperwork. Bring your passport in a waterproof bag and make a photocopy just in case, or use a travel app, like Mobile Passport, on your phone so you always have a digital copy. It’s also a wise idea to invest in travel insurance that will cover the financial costs of medical assistance.
Before you go, you should also learn a few aspects of New Zealand culture. One of the most important is that most locals are not offended if you ask them questions if you’re lost or need help, and most even encourage it. Just be aware that many people speak quickly and use local slang, so ask for clarification if needed.
Safely Enjoy The Outdoors
One of the greatest aspects of New Zealand is the rolling hills, hiking trails, and opportunities to enjoy the outdoors in a whole new way. Many fun places to go during your travels include several different waterfalls, such as Taranaki Falls and Marokopa Falls, which are almost too beautiful to believe. You can also walk through the forest, explore the world in a watercraft, swim with fish at Goat Island, and even explore Middle Earth like the Hobbit or Gollum.

There’s a lot to see, but before you start exploring, you must know how to stay safe. You can prepare for hiking by researching the trails and finding those that match your skill level. If you like the idea of hiking but don’t do it regularly at home, you need to know that New Zealand is a mountainous nation, so you’ll want to be ready for potentially arduous treks. You can do that by working on your leg strength before the trip, which you can do with regular cardio and by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Learning some basic first-aid tips and hacks is also a wise idea so you’re prepared if you’re injured out in the wilderness. For instance, know that if you get a cut but don’t have bandages readily available, you should flush the wound with clean water, use a clean cloth from a shirt, and wrap it around the injured area. Also, pack some duct tape for your trip and put it on your heels to proactively avoid blisters or chafing. If you use any medication regularly, bring it with you so you have it if you get lost or you have a sudden need.
Safety Tips To Remember While Walking And Exploring
Even if you only intend to walk around the cities and populated areas of New Zealand, it’s still essential that you know how to stay safe, like you would when you visit any unfamiliar place. The New Zealand police offer many great tips, especially when it comes to keeping your money and identity safe. They recommend keeping your cards in a bag that you can keep close to you so it’s not easy to steal. Also, when using your cards in an establishment, try to shield the number as well as you can so the information on it can’t be caught on camera.

Drinking alcohol is allowed in New Zealand as long as everyone is of age. Many people like to unwind with a drink, but you should do so with caution when you’re out in public. If you don’t have a local driver’s license, you must present your passport, so don’t be offended when they ask. Make sure to drink only in designated areas, so you don’t get lost or taken advantage of by bad actors.

When it comes to transportation, take the train, bus, or call a car. Never hitchhike or accept rides from strangers, no matter how friendly they may appear. You never know their intentions. If you rent a car, follow the rules of the road and never leave valuables or important documents inside unattended.
New Zealand is one of the most amazing and gorgeous destinations you could ever see, and it’s certainly worth your time to visit. Still, like in any other country, it’s vital that you plan ahead and travel safely. Follow the tips in this guide, and your New Zealand trip will be one you’ll never forget.