When the “Winter Party” people plan an end of winter party every year in Miami Beach, the word “party” is taken seriously. This year no less than 12 parties were planned over a 5 day span. That’s an average of more than 2 parties a day in case you flunked math. Do you think you have what it takes to handle the fun? If not granny, go get your spectacles and catch up on Madmen.
Winter Party, one of the most successful LGBT fundraisers, has become a Miami Beach phenomenon especially because those chilly winter months of January and February (yes, Miami does have a real winter), are happily shaken off mid-March with a promise of hot and sultry days again come April. This event often follows Brazil’s Carnaval so it has a unique significance for the party circuit crowd – meaning, “Let’s not quit, I’m still standing, aren’t you?” After a full week of partying, you may not be.

This year, the 20th edition of the Festival, celebrated six full days of dynamic day and evening events, fueled by the hottest DJ’s on the planet, a spectacular line-up that included some of the top spinners favored by dance music lovers. I especially enjoyed the titles for each of the special events: Ignite (a no brainer), URGE, Mercury Rising (cute reference to body heat, eh), Sweat (uh oh, it’s getting hot in here), Afterglow (hmmm, something good happened), Industry (yeah, at the end when the fun is over it’s all about business). And that’s just a few of the themes.

Some of the highlights were an unveiling of a specially designed rainbow-flag-wrapped police car by the Miami Beach Police Department (wow!) and a special appearance by Sam Champion, weather anchor of ABC’s “Good Morning America” and his husband, Miami artist Rubem Robierb (wow, wow!). The two served as hosts of a VIP reception which honored the Winter Party’s four founders, a tough ticket to snag.

The history of the Winter Party goes back 20 years to 1992 when Anita Bryant threatened to mess with gay rights. It’s a sordid political story, baby, but with a happy ending. The four founders, inspired by the Morning Party on Fire Island, decided to create a similar event in Miami Beach to attract gay tourists from up north and raise funds to defeat anti-gay movements. Guess what? They succeeded. The first party was born in 1994 and today is helmed by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, an organization that builds the grassroots power of the LGBT community, celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The Task Force is the country’s premier social justice organization fighting to improve the lives of LGBT people and working to create positive change and opportunities. Just to give you an idea of the scope of this undertaking, since 2002 the Task Force has been able to donate nearly $1.4 million to South Florida LGBT charities. That’s one successful party!

But at the end of the day it’s all about the party, right? This year, the temps climbed high and so did the crowd. At the now legendary “Beach Party” on Sunday afternoon held right on the 12th Street beach in Lummis Park, DJ’s Brett Henrichsen (from New York) and Joe Gauthreaux (Montreal) hit the sand to command the turntables at the event that began it all. Thousands of sizzling men and women (in little more than speedos and sandals) took an amazing musical journey dancing their cares away in a magical setting. This year’s dance gave all of us another chance to celebrate our DNA and Brett treated us to a few anthems from the last ten years. No need for coats, scarves or gloves at this Winter Party … it was definitely one of the hottest. Even the beachgoers outside the pavilion were kicking it up in the sand. That’s cool!